Helmholtz Center Munich
The Institute of Allergy Research (IAF) investigates the molecular mechanisms behind the development of allergies, which are on the rise around the world. Through intensive cooperation among scientists and clinicians on individual approaches to prevention, the IAF is working to halt this epidemiological spread. In the therapeutic area, the institute's scientists want to develop new approaches specifically targeted at the patients. The IAF works with the Technische Universität München in the joint Center of Allergy & Environment (ZAUM) facility. The IAF is also a member of the Cluster Allergy and Immunity (CAI, www.cai-allergy.de) and the German Center for Lung Research (DZL).
Institutes involved:
Institute für Allergy Research (IAF)
Prof. Dr. Carsten Schmidt-Weber (Director)
PD Dr. Francesca Alessandrini
Dr. Simon Blank
Dr. Stefan Haak
Dr. Carsten Ohnmacht