Research for a future without allergies
The Cluster Allergy and Immunity CAI integrates institutes with congruent research activities aiming at allergy prevention and remission. CAI partners include the Helmholtz Center Munich, the TUM, LMU, UNIKA-T Augsburg and the University Hospital Regensburg that practice research in a tightly integrated way and share a translational and interdisciplinary spirit that fosters creativity and innovation. Insights from the interplay of environment and men as well as cellular mechanisms are deliberately directed into preclinical models and - if proven effective - into clinical practice.
Award for CAI researcher
Dr. Dennis Russkamp from the Research Group Molecular and Translational Allergology of PD Dr. Simon Blank (ZAUM) received the award "Advanced Immunotherapies for Allergic Diseases" from the German Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology (DGAKI). PD Dr. Blank (photo) accepted the award on behalf of the DGAKI (Link to publication).
PD Dr. Alexander Zink of the Clinic for Dermatology and Allergology of the TUM received the "Specific Immunotherapy" award for his work on "Allergy and sensitization to Hymenoptera venoms in unreferred adults with high risk of sting exposure" (link to publication). Dr. Zink was represented at the award ceremony by Prof. Brockow.
Furthermore, PhD student Johanna Krusche of the Allergy/ Immunology group (head: Prof. Schaub) was awarded the Young Investigators Prize for her work "TNFAIP3 is a key player in childhood asthma development and environment-mediated protection". (Link to publication)
The prizes are awarded annually and endowed with 5000 Euro. The award ceremony took place during the German Allergy Congress on 27 September 2018 in Hanover.
Martha study- prevention of allergy and asthma

The MARTHA study initiated by Prof. Erika von Mutius is investigating the effect of differently processed milks on the development of asthma and allergies in children. This randomized trial wants to test the already well described protective "farm effect" which was partly explained by the consumption of unprocessed farm milk for an innovative prevention approach. The study team did already recruit over 580 study families.
for more information click here
CAI Publications
Keratinocyte-intrinsic BCL10/MALT1 activity initiates and amplifies psoriasiform skin inflammation.
Kurgyis Z, Vornholz L, Pechloff K, Kemény LV, Wartewig T, Muschaweckh A, Joshi A, Kranen K, Hartjes L, Möckel S, Steiger K, Hameister E, Volz T, Mellett M, French LE, Biedermann T, Korn T, Ruland
J. Sci Immunol. 2021 Nov
Dosing intact birch pollen grains at the air-liquid interface (ALI) to the immortalized human bronchial epithelial cell line BEAS-2B
Joana Candeias, Carsten B. Schmidt-Weber, Jeroen Buters
PLoS One. Nov 2021
Characterization of New Allergens from the Venom of the European Paper Wasp Polistes dominula
Johannes Grosch, Bernadette Eberlein, Sebastian Waldherr, Mariona Pascal, Clara San Bartolomé, Federico De La Roca Pinzón, Michael Dittmar, Christiane Hilger, Markus Ollert, Tilo Biedermann, Ulf Darsow, Maria Beatrice Bilò, Carsten B. Schmidt-Weber, Simon Blank
Toxins (Basel) 2021 Aug
Keratinocytes Regulate the Threshold of Inflammation by Inhibiting T Cell Effector Functions
Peter Seiringer, Stefanie Eyerich, Kilian Eyerich, Daniela Dittlein, Anna Caroline Pilz, Emanuele Scala, Johannes Ring, Heidrun Behrendt, Andrea Cavani, Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann
Cells. 2021 Jul
Allergic diseases in infancy II–oral tolerance and its failure
Mathias Hornef, Oliver Pabst, Isabella Annesi-Maesano, Manja Fleddermann, Erika von Mutius, Monika Schaubeck, Alessandro Fiocchi
World Allergy Organ J. 2021 Nov
CD23 Levels on B Cells Determine Long-Term Therapeutic Response in Patients with Atopic Eczema Treated with Selective IgE Immune Apheresis.
Thomas J, Wang R, Batra R, Böhner A, Garzorz-Stark N, Eberlein B, Theis F, Biedermann T, Schmidt-Weber C, Zink A, Eyerich K, Eyerich S.
J Invest Dermatol. 2021
Athanasios Damialis, Stefanie Gilles, Mikhail Sofiev, Viktoria Sofieva, Franziska Kolek, Daniela Bayr, Maria P. Plaza, Vivien Leier-Wirtz, Sigrid Kaschuba, Lewis H. Ziska, Leonard Bielory, László Makra, Maria del Mar Trigo, COVID-19/POLLEN study group, Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Mar
The basophil activation test differentiates between patients with wheat‐dependent exercise‐induced anaphylaxis and control subjects using gluten and isolated gluten protein types
Angelika Miriam Gabler, Julia Gebhard, Bernadette Eberlein, Tilo Biedermann, Katharina Anne Scherf, Knut Brockow
Clin Transl Allergy. 2021 Aug
Cabinet approves the electronic pollen information network "ePIN"
Prof. Dr. Jeroen Buters, ZAUM
ePIN-network map press release