

New set biomarkers can predict successes of allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT)

CAI researcher at the ZAUM could determine shifts in the hierarchy of tolerance within the 3 year immonotherapy. The Breg/Th17 ratio, measured after the initial treatment give a information on the AIT efficacy after 3 years.

"We have patented this test," says Adam Chaker. "If we can develop it to the point where it can go into full production, we could save patients from going through expensive and time-consuming treatments with little chance of success. But in case of a positive test result, there are good reasons for seeing a three-year therapy through to the end. In the past, people have tended to give up before finishing."

Press release on Science daily

Atopic dermatitis: staphylococci-dominated microbiome influence skin barrier function

Staphylococcus aureus is the skin associated dominat bacterium in atopic dermatis. A recently published Paper of CAI Researchers in Cooperation with researchers from Zurich could show that this microbiome dysbiosis influence the skin barrier function.


Relations between epidermal barrier dysregulation and staphylococci-dominated microbiome dysbiosis in atopic dermatitis.

Altunbulakli C, Reiger M, Neumann AU, Garzorz-Stark N, Fleming M, Huelpuesch C, Castro-Giner F, Eyerich K, Akdis CA, Traidl-Hoffmann C.

J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2018 Jul

Press release TUM, August 10, 2018 (in german)

Allergies: Mugwort pollen as main source of airborne endotoxins


Pollen taxi for bacteria

Date: July 18, 2018

Source: Technische Universität München

The two professors Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann and Jeroen Buters from TUM and HMGU oversaw the study. “We were able to demonstrate that the pollen acts as a ‘taxi’ for bacteria and thus also for their toxins. The pollen produced by mugwort, which is already aggressive enough, then becomes even more of a problem for allergy and asthma sufferers,” they explain.


Artemisia pollen is the main vector for airborne endotoxin.

Oteros J, Bartusel E, Alessandrini F, Núñez A, Moreno DA, Behrendt H, Schmidt-Weber C, Traidl-Hoffmann C, Buters J.

J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2018 Jul

How cats and cows protect farm children from asthma

Date: July 6, 2017
Source: University of Zurich/ Science News from research organizations

Summary: It is a known fact that microbes on farms protect children from asthma and allergies. But even non-microbial molecules can have a protective effect. Immunologists have shown that a sialic acid found in farm animals is effective against inflammation of lung tissue. This study opens up a wide variety of perspectives for the prevention of allergies.